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Reading Online Vs Print: Consumer Preferences
20 Oct 2015

Reading Online Vs Print: Consumer Preferences


Reading Online Vs Print: Consumer Preferences

20 Oct 2015
Printed versus Digital

Print is not dead. You might be thinking, ‘Of course you would say that, you’re a printing company!’ Well… we get that so we collected facts from independent research to address the point.

The research is based around consumer preferences for reading information and how they feel they take on information best. If you are planning your next big marketing campaign, it is well worth understanding these consumer preferences to make the most of your budget.

As we discussed in a previous article, you can integrate print with a digital campaign to direct traffic to your site or pull customers back to your store.

brochure reading

Using digital channels alone might lead to missed opportunities. Not only because of the restriction on audience location or frequency of Internet use, but because they may not retain the information as well.

When online, we are constantly bombarded with adverts. The little pop up ones, the flashy ones, the ones in the revolving banners, a lot of the time they just fade into the background. 54% of people pay more attention to adverts in print, so when 85% of people sort and read their snail mail everyday there is a real opportunity to get your message across with a Direct Mail campaign.

Putting a physical message in front of your audience has real benefits. You have a far higher chance of the advert remaining in the persons home and them coming across it again or putting it aside for the future. Either way, 84% of people said they retain information better when they read printed words so you are more likely to see a return on investment through printed documents.

Direct Mail

You can create an effective flyer or postcard to get a specific message across, like a promotion or event. With internet marketing budgets rising and robots clicking adverts, there is doubt in the industry of the reliability of online adverts. Create an effective flyer using these design tips and you can always include a QR or promotion code to track your return on investment.

You shouldn’t fear that people will view your business as environmentally carefree, 71% of consumers understand that paper is recyclable and is a sustainable source if managed effectively.

If this is still a concern, you should consider sourcing new paper certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Their process ensures paper stock is sustainable and ethically sourced from the printers right back to the tree.

And as 87% of people think companies switch to electronic marketing to save money, not the environment, you may be better off holding alternative environmental credentials.

Consumer Preferences

Print advertising provides a brand with tangibility. Buying online can be daunting and requires a degree of trust as there is often no way of being sure the business is genuine. Having printed marketing materials bridges that gap to the physical shop, helping cement an idea of permanence and reliability.

Ultimately 78% of people said they prefer reading on paper. That speaks volumes. It might be because reading on a screen is tiring on the eyes, it might be because of all the flashing distractions so often seen on our smartphones or computers.

It is important to utilise all the channels however, connecting with your audience on as many platforms as you can will increase brand awareness and develop your customer touch-points.

If you want to build brand loyalty from your customers, have a read of our article on ‘How to build repeat business’.


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Our FREE sample packs are full of great print ideas. They’ll give you a taste of what to expect when ordering your design and printing from us.

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Printed versus Digital

Print is not dead. You might be thinking, ‘Of course you would say that, you’re a printing company!’ Well… we get that so we collected facts from independent research to address the point.

The research is based around consumer preferences for reading information and how they feel they take on information best. If you are planning your next big marketing campaign, it is well worth understanding these consumer preferences to make the most of your budget.

As we discussed in a previous article, you can integrate print with a digital campaign to direct traffic to your site or pull customers back to your store.

brochure reading

Using digital channels alone might lead to missed opportunities. Not only because of the restriction on audience location or frequency of Internet use, but because they may not retain the information as well.

When online, we are constantly bombarded with adverts. The little pop up ones, the flashy ones, the ones in the revolving banners, a lot of the time they just fade into the background. 54% of people pay more attention to adverts in print, so when 85% of people sort and read their snail mail everyday there is a real opportunity to get your message across with a Direct Mail campaign.

Putting a physical message in front of your audience has real benefits. You have a far higher chance of the advert remaining in the persons home and them coming across it again or putting it aside for the future. Either way, 84% of people said they retain information better when they read printed words so you are more likely to see a return on investment through printed documents.

Direct Mail

You can create an effective flyer or postcard to get a specific message across, like a promotion or event. With internet marketing budgets rising and robots clicking adverts, there is doubt in the industry of the reliability of online adverts. Create an effective flyer using these design tips and you can always include a QR or promotion code to track your return on investment.

You shouldn’t fear that people will view your business as environmentally carefree, 71% of consumers understand that paper is recyclable and is a sustainable source if managed effectively.

If this is still a concern, you should consider sourcing new paper certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Their process ensures paper stock is sustainable and ethically sourced from the printers right back to the tree.

And as 87% of people think companies switch to electronic marketing to save money, not the environment, you may be better off holding alternative environmental credentials.

Consumer Preferences

Print advertising provides a brand with tangibility. Buying online can be daunting and requires a degree of trust as there is often no way of being sure the business is genuine. Having printed marketing materials bridges that gap to the physical shop, helping cement an idea of permanence and reliability.

Ultimately 78% of people said they prefer reading on paper. That speaks volumes. It might be because reading on a screen is tiring on the eyes, it might be because of all the flashing distractions so often seen on our smartphones or computers.

It is important to utilise all the channels however, connecting with your audience on as many platforms as you can will increase brand awareness and develop your customer touch-points.

If you want to build brand loyalty from your customers, have a read of our article on ‘How to build repeat business’.


Get a feel for what we do!

Our FREE sample packs are full of great print ideas. They’ll give you a taste of what to expect when ordering your design and printing from us.

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